Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


The next table details the number of lecture hours as well as the number of module responsibilities for each team member.

Table 1.
Name Position 2012/13 Cursus (*) Module Resp.
(per year)
J.-F. Baget Research Scientist 40 M (UM2) 1
M. Croitoru Assistant Prof. 198 L2 2
M. Chein Emeritus Prof. 0
J. Fortin Assistant Prof 230 Polytech 2
S. Kaci Professor 198 L and M(UM2) 3
M. Leclère Assistant Prof. 96 L and M (UM2) 2
M. -L. Mugnier Professor 192 L and M (UM2) 3
R. Thomopoulos Research Scientist 0 no
L. Guizol PhD 64 L no
M. König PhD 64 L no
B. Paiva Lima PhD 64 L (UM2) no
M. Thomazo PhD 64 L and M1 (UM2) no

(*) L =Licence, M = Master (M1 = first year, M2 = second year), UM2 = Univ. Montpellier 2 (Sciences), IUT = Institute of Technology of UM2 (Licence Cursus), Polytech = Engineering School of UM2, UM3 = Univ. Montpellier 3 (Art and Humanities)

Globally, the team ensures the courses in logics (propositional logic and first-order logic in L, logics for Artificial Intelligence in M2) at the Montpellier 2 University, as well as the Master courses in Artificial Intelligence, Decision Support, Knowledge Representation and Knowledge Engineering. We are also responsible of modules in Web Technologies (Professional L at IUT) and Databases (L).

We have some specific responsibilities in the Computer Science Licence and Master:

  • Michel Leclère is co-responsible of the master speciality DECOL (about 20 students) started in September 2011.

  • Marie-Laure Mugnier is co-responsible of the Computer Science Master started in September 2011 (about 250 students), which gathers six specialties. She is also leading the Master project for the next four years (LMD4).

  • Souhila Kaci is leading the Licence project for the next four years (LMD4).



Michaël Thomazo defended his PhD on October Conjunctive Query Answering Under Existential Rules - Decidability, Complexity, and Algorithms [15] . The jury was:

  • Georg GOTTLOB (PR), Univ. of Oxford, Reviewer

  • Carsten LUTZ (PR), Univ. of Bremen, Reviewer

  • Marie-Christine ROUSSET (PR), Univ. de Grenoble, Reviewer

  • Christophe PAUL (DR), CNRS, Examiner

  • Jean-François BAGET (CR), Inria, Co-advisor

  • Marie-Laure MUGNIER (PR), Univ. Montpellier 2, Advisor

The PhDs in progress are:

  • PhD in progress : Bruno Paiva Lima da Silva (ministry grant), Comparing Storage Systems for Large knowledge bases, Oct. 2010, supervised by Jean-François Baget and Madalina Croitoru. Defence in Jan. 2014.

  • PhD in progress : Tjitze Rienstra, Dynamic argumentation systems, Oct. 2010, supervised by Souhila Kaci and Leon van der Torre (University of Luxembourg)

  • PhD in progress : Mélanie König (ministry grant), Algorithms for querying large knowledge bases, Oct. 2011, supervised by Michel Leclère and Marie-Laure Mugnier

  • PhD in progress : Léa Guizol (ABES grant), Entity identification in metadata bases, Oct. 2011, supervised by Madalina Croitoru

  • PhD in Progress: Fabien Garreau (ANR ASPIQ grant), Algorithms for stable model semantics and existential rules (ANR ASPIQ, with Univ. of Angers), Sept. 2012, supervised by Igor Stephan, Jean-François Baget and Laurent Garcia

  • PhD in Progress: Swan Rocher (ANR Qualinca grant), Reasoning with inconsistent knowledge bases in presence of existential rules (ANR Qualinca), Sept. 2013, supervised by Marie-Laure Mugnier and Jean-François Baget

  • PhD in Progress: Namrata Patel (Univ. Montpellier II grant), Preference Handling in Decision Problems (bourse ministerielle), Sept. 2013, supervised by Souhila Kaci


  • Patrice Buche was reviewer for Semantic support for quantitative research , Hajo Rijgersberg, VU University Amsterdam, May 2013

  • Patrice Buche was reviewer for Validation, synthèse et paramétrage des cartes cognitives , Aymeric Le Dorze , LERIA/Angers University, Nov. 2013

  • Patrice Buche was reviewer for Evolution cohérente des ressources termino-ontologiques et des annotations sémantiques , Anis Tissaoui, IRIT/Toulouse 3 University, Dec. 2013

  • Patrice Buche was jury member for D'un langage de haut niveau à des requêtes graphes permettant d'interroger le web sémantique, Camille Pradel, IRIT/Toulouse 3 University, Dec. 2013

  • Marie-Laure Mugnier and Jean-François Baget were jury members (and co-directors) for Conjunctive Query Answering Under Existential Rules - Decidability, Complexity, and Algorithms, Univ. Montpellier II, Oct. 2013.

  • Marie-Laure Mugnier was jury president for Aide à la décision dans les filières agroalimentaires, Rallou Thomopoulos, Univ. Montpellier II, Dec. 2013

  • Marie-Laure Mugnier was jury president for Contribution des modèles de connaissances à l'amélioration continue des processus industriels, Bernard Kamsu, ENI Tarbes, Apr. 2013

Other juries
  • Marie-Laure Mugnier was president of a recruitement committee for a professor position at UM2-IUT Béziers

  • Marie-Laure Mugnier was member of 3 recruitement committees for associate professor positions at UM2-IUT Montpellier, UPMF-Grenoble and SupAgro Montpellier

  • Madalina Croitoru was member of a recruitment committee for an associate professor position at UM2-IUT Montpellier.